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Instruktazh po tehnike bezopasnosti v kabinete lfk. Data and accessories Heating capacity 11.05 kW Input 2.70 kW COP 4.1 A2°C/W35°C Flow temperature maximal +65°C Refrigerant R410a Compressor ( count ) Copeland SCROLL EVI (1) Voltage 3 x 400 V / 50 Hz Condenser circulator installed Yes Fan EC 630 mm ErP Bivalent heater installed 6 kW Three way switching valve in delivery Yes Installed HP controller SIEMENS RVS 21 Control of mixed heating circuit Yes Control of direct pump heating circuit Yes Solar system control Yes ModBus with extension module WebControl with WebServer- Module. Description Compact air-water heat pump with or without capacity regulation for indoor or outdoor installation Compact outside or inside installed air-water heat pump.
- вторник 13 ноября
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