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[DEV]Vu+ / Enigma2 Live TV plugin. Started by CompoUK. On my Kodi Live TV the Picon path is set to =>> WDMYCLOUDEX4 Public_2 Logos, and this work fine, not sure why MB3 did not show. Id try dvblink as a middle man thanks. EPG times should now be fixed. Back to top #40 CompoUK OFFLINE CompoUK.
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Thanks for the info thats great news. No, I know the Oscam updater your referring too, its not that, its actually a plugin called Firmware updater. I'm unlikely to use it, but it did peak my interest and make me ask the question about updating in general. I'm glad I did now. I will do a backup then try an update from the normal method. EDIT: Actually, the info about the Oscam updater is very usefull too.
I need to disable that as I use the Oscam EMU which is compiled with full Tandberg and P-Vu AU by a buddy of mine over on pimps. I'm sure you will know him Dirty Donkey if I say Cokeaddict.
Hi Guys, I installed this backup few weeks ago, now I'm experiencing problem with channel switching. I have to regularly restart oscam or solo2 to make it work. The problem is black screen and no sound after channel change. Oscam live log is showing that channel is decoding, but not really. After reboot everything is working again for while.
I did just one modification to this image, serviceapp was installed to make some addons work on kodi? I tried several oscam versions. Can anyone help me with this?
Hi Guys, I installed this backup few weeks ago, now I'm experiencing problem with channel switching. I have to regularly restart oscam or solo2 to make it work. The problem is black screen and no sound after channel change. Oscam live log is showing that channel is decoding, but not really.
After reboot everything is working again for while. I did just one modification to this image, serviceapp was installed to make some addons work on kodi? I tried several oscam versions. Can anyone help me with this? This is a great image and I am really enjoying it.
So good I have a bit of feedback and a few queries. I use a sony play tv dtt tuner and after a time I will switch on box and channels will have disappeared, tuners are still shown but I have to do a rescan. Its not major but if there is a fix then that would be great. This one is more long winded, I use a dish and have it hooked to this solo2 but it is initially set for 28east so I downloaded all the sats I needed. However a few days later when I switched on they were all gone except 28east. I then did 13east on Monday and sure enough 2 days later gone. Help NB I should add I have a fixed dish for 9east Tuner B and positioner on tuner A.
I would like to load a full sat list for motor but worried I will crash box, I have kodi working as well, is there a motor list that works best. I use cateyes and latest is 5th March. I notice dirtdy donki is on the vu plus addons panel. I have Linuxsat panel as well. Other than that, should I update the image to latest as I have read above!! Hi guys, A couple of questions if you can help. I am currently using my Solo2 for sat tv.
All working flawlessly. In parallel I have my Raspberry set up with Kodi as media center, playing content from my home network (NAS drive). I am looking to minimize the number of devices so I am very interested in setting up my Solo2 with Kodi. So, before flashing the image (and messing everything up!) a few questions: • OpenATV 6.0 + Kodi 17 image – does it start Kodi upon power on or standard interface and Kodi is started as plugin? • Is this “full blooded” Kodi or stripped version? • Can Kodi be used as media center to play files from local library (NAS drive), not concerned about internet streaming, Exodus, etc., only local network via gigabit ethernet?
• Can Kodi passthrough all audio formats (DTS, DTS-HD)? • How is the overall performance of Kodi compared to PC (slow, laggy, freezing) or working well? • Can I still use VU+/E2 PVR addon to watch sat tv on my secondary TV (via Raspberry)? • Would this be a representative video of plugin in action - Thank you all in advance!
What are your dreams trying to tell you? The part of you that knows what is best for you is trying to communicate with your conscious mind all the time. It does this through dreams, metaphors, and coincidence and uses the language of symbolism. This class series will show how to interpret your dreams and experiences to get guidance from the ultimate teacher- yourself. Michael Hoffman is a transformational speaker and psychotherapist who has specialized in interpreting dreams and symbols for the past 25 years.
Classes are Wednesday nights, 7:00 to 8:30pm, September 29, 2010 through November 3, 2010 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane, 4340 West Fort George Wright Drive, Spokane, WA. This class is free.
It is designed so people can retake it and still get value. Child-care may be provided with advanced registration. For more information call 509-850-7694 or email: info@michaehoffman.info. So come find out what you are trying to say to yourself.
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