Pl2303 Eeprom Writer Utility Software
HI, OK, I have spent quite a while with this now and I can confirm that my laptop and desktop are both doing the same thing. I programmed a chip (16F628A) without code protection using MPLAB and PicKit 3. The chip programmed and verified. I then read the chip using your software and board - the read looked good as far as I can tell. Using a second chip I erased it and then attempted to program it using the code I had just read from the mplab programmed chip. It generated the error at the end indicating that the EEPROM had a problem.
Driver Download; Windows: PL2303 EEPROM Writer Program (HXD/EA/TA).
Using the laptop and desktop side by side I can confirm that the flash code looks good but the EEPROM has not programmed correctly - exactly as the error reported. I also tried it with a different USB cable on the laptop, result was exactly as above. If you are able to read the devices ok then this narrows it down to a programming issue.
From the information you have given us you have managed to rule out a lot of possibilities and so you may want to consider returning it back to us for testing. If you decide to do this please email us a sales @ referencing your order number and will provide you with information and terms on how to return it back to us. Igri k dvtech spark. If the board is faulty we can cover return postage fees. If you don't want to return it just yet, and you have a multimeter, you could try to measure the RA5/MCLR/VPP pin whilst the device is being programmed to see if it is at the correct voltage.
- суббота 09 февраля
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