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Video ini berisi tentang tutorial/ cara/ langkah2 menyalakan/ menormalkan kembali (upgrade/flash) receiver/Rx digital parabola yang mati suri (on mode/ SH/ hanya lampu power yang nyala) - Pertama siapkan Rx yang tidak mau menyala normal akibat kesalahan upgrade atau penyebab lain. - Siapkan komputer/ PC yang ada konektor RS232-nya - Download software upgrade Rx (disini kami memakai aplikasi Eprom Upgrade) - Siapkan kabel RS232. - Colok kabel RS232 ke PC dan Rx (Rx dalam keadaan mati/ power off) - Jalankan aplikasi EromUpgrade.exe - Klik browser dan cari file berekstensi.abs (yang sesuai dengan jenis Rx) - Beri tanda centang pada Include boot loader, klik next - Biarkan 5 detik, lalu nyalakan Rx, hingga muncul tulisan 'Done' - Kalau Rx terdeteksi oleh aplikasi ikuti perintah selanjutnya hingga finish - Rx akan restart dan kembali normal. - Windows XP OS ---------------------- This video contains tutorial / how to/ step by step/ normalize (upgrade/ flash) your digital satellite receiver (on mode / SH / only power light the flame) - First, prepare Rx that will not turn a normal result of the upgrade error or other causes. - Prepare your computer / PC that is its RS232 connector - Download software upgrades Rx (here we use the application Eprom Upgrade) - Prepare the RS232 cable. - Plug the RS232 cable to the PC and Rx (Rx in a shutdown / power off) - Run the application EromUpgrade.exe - Click on the browser and locate the file extension. Abs (which according to the type of Rx) - Put a check in the Include boot loader, click next - Allow 5 seconds, then turn on the Rx, until it says 'Done' - If Rx is detected by the application and follow the instructions next to the finish - Rx will restart and return to normal.

Song of solomon toni morrison epub download. - I Use Windows XP OS.

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