The Black Flag Shark Pdf Download

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Page Tools More • • • • • • • Hunting the Great White: The great white is definitely the hardest out of the sharks to take on. Its quick and occasionally alternates its pattern. Misses seem to be the most common problem as the great white's movements vary often from swimming straight to turning either left or right.

Starting is easy as the great white moves slowly in the water but once harpooned the sea dog takes off. He will go straight for a second or two, veer right or left for a couple seconds, and then goes straight again. Timing is important to hit him. It won't take long before he will dive. There are two options when he surfaces.

If he comes up out of the water at a distance, he will head straight towards the boat and do a 360 to the right or left before finishing his charge. It's best to be ready to hit him after he circles before he straightens up and gets closer. If you miss, the boat takes damage. Option 2 is when he surfaces a la Jaws (from directly below) and tries to get you. This is the easiest if you are prepared for it. Aim below the stirring water just to the right or left of the point of the boat (maybe even a little lower than that).

He will surface closer to the boat than the stirring water. As he launches at you, throw and you will undoubtedly nail him in the mouth with the harpoon. If you miss, the boat takes damage. Other than that, you should be good to go taking him down.

Missy elliott full discography torrent. Upgrades that are helpful would be extra damage and at least one upgrade to harpoon quantity (though upgrade it completely just in case). Might need row boat health upgrade. Medium to Hard difficulty. Experienced harpooners may be able to solo with no upgrades, but its dicey.

Found Great White Shark Harpoon area in Charlotte 573, 293.

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