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Click to expand.Details about the GrayKey box, made by a company called Grayshift, in March of this year. Provided to law enforcement agencies, the GrayKey box connects to an iPhone and then installs proprietary software that's designed to crack the passcode of the device. It can take as little as 6.5 minutes for the box to crack a 4-digit passcode, while a 6-digit passcode can be calculated in approximately 11 hours. Apple in introduced that prevents USB accessories like the GrayKey box from connecting to an iPhone or iPad if it's been more than an hour since the device was last unlocked. It was believed that this would prevent the GrayKey device from working, but after details on USB Restricted Mode were released, forensic experts said that it had already been defeated. It's not known if USB Restricted Mode had an impact or if Apple implemented another method for blocking the GrayKey box, but companies like Grayshift are likely to find a workaround or a new method for cracking the iPhone.
As Rochester Police Department Captain John Sherwin told Forbes, there's always a new method in the works. 'Give it time and I am sure a 'workaround' will be developed. And then the cycle will repeat,' he said. Someone is always building a better mousetrap, whether it's Apple or someone trying to defeat device security.'
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- четверг 14 марта
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